Showing Tag: "meditation" (Show all posts)

Three Tips to Begin A Meditation Practice

Posted by Deb Kelly on Thursday, January 15, 2015, In : achieving wellness 

What happens when you begin to meditate is that you begin to feel into yourself. You become aware of how you feel physically and emotionally. You start to gain insight into your life and your purpose. Intuition becomes more and more clear, and when you consider your intention, you become a superfeeler.

Meditation practices focus on the breath. There are so many techniques that involve different things to do with the breath. You can count the breath as it comes and goes, holding the breath at t...

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Magic Meditation for Motivation

Posted by Deb Kelly on Thursday, January 15, 2015, In : achieving wellness 

Written by Jafree Ozwald 

"To the mind that is still, the whole Universe surrenders."  ~Lao Tzu

 Quieting the mind chatter is not always something we want to do.  Especially when life can be so entertaining, with so many activities, task lists to accomplish, and people to meet and greet along the way.  The frantic desperate non-meditative mind has become the norm of our society, and the cause of all social injustice and corruption.  Once everyone learns the art and sci...

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About Me

Picnicgal Hello friends and welcome to my blog. This is a place where I save and share information to increase happiness and health and sometimes just for fun! Enjoy!